This week in social media

We find a lot of interesting posts related to hot tub covers in our social media channels. Some are funny, others are worrisome, and a whole bunch of them are random. There seems to be a running theme of animals on covers, injuries from opening or closing them, and storms that rip the things right off the tub and send them flying through the neighbor’s fence. In this week’s installment we see some new stuff, like the tabletop that was built, and the vicious slashing of someone’s cover. Take a look at what we curated for you below.

Here’s a cover doubling as a bird-bath:

Not sure what this guy did to deserve this, but the aesthetic appeal of his cover sure went down after this attack.

As usual, we have a number of injuries to report, including this one. Hopefully she is not yet dead.

And here’s a not-so-great DIY cover, which we imagine will not do a very good job insulating. It will also probably fly off very easily. On the other hand, it could make for a great beer pong table.

As usual, some teenagers threw a party, and someone decided to walk on the hot tub cover.